low maintenance plants

“They'll drop their leaves, but appreciate the snooze from the growing season,” explains Stephen Hill. Credit: Is It Suitable for Your Growing Conditions? Resilient in nature, the ponytail palm is the perfect way to “add a festive feel to your home or desk,” says Hancock. Learn how to tell—and find out how long store-bought or homemade pumpkin pie lasts. Plant it in the right spot and you can simply enjoy the lovely fragrance and maybe water it occasionally if it doesn’t rain. © Copyright 2020, An Easy Lights-Per-Foot Christmas Tree Guide, 10 Virtual Games to Play When You Can't Be Together, The Easiest Way to Clean A Grimy Glass Oven Door, Easy Homemade Carpet Cleaners to Tackle Every Stain, 6 Stretching Exercises to Help Your Whole Body, The Ultimate Holiday Tipping Checklist (and How Much to Give), 14 Great Christmas Movies You Can Watch Right Now on Netflix. In many areas, winter months lend themselves to cold, snowy weather, and consequently warm, toasty homes. If you keep your thermostat turned all the way up in the winter, and also tend to be an inconsistent plant waterer, the wax plant, also known as hoya, is for you. Many varieties of fern don’t need much light because they’re used to growing on forest floors, completely shaded by a canopy of trees, says Maria de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez, a floral designer for GRDN, a gardening supply shop in Brooklyn. And, plants need water and grooming to varying amounts for successful garden performance. Another bonus: clivia like to be kept on the dry side, so you won’t need to water them every day. These robust and adaptable perennials can survive draught, flooding and salt and will thrive perfectly in … Plus, this houseplant is undeniably low-maintenance. (We know, not everyone has the time or talents to maintain a flourishing flower bed year-round.) The only downside is that this plant won’t give you any visual clues if it’s parched. A perennial, this plant’s flowers are great for cuttings to … Liven up your home with these winter-hardy houseplants. They'll do just the trick when you're looking for something like easy, fast-growing vines that will make a mark in the backyard without a ton of work. 2. These small, low maintenance plants get the job done and look great while they do. While the moth orchid is happiest in a medium to brightly lit spot, it tolerates low light very well. There are plenty of lists touting themselves as the easiest plants to grow, but the topic is more subjective than it might appear. It's not fussy about how much light it gets (but yes, it does need some) and if you forget to water it for a … This gem of a plant is virtually indestructible, looking green and healthy even after months of neglect. As we all know, plants need air, water, nutrients, and specific environmental conditions for growth and development. So sit back, relax, and let these perennials, annuals, and best plants for container gardening prosper on their own (with a little bit of TLC, of course). “The jade plant, which is a type of succulent, will be fine near an open window in the winter,” she says. In scenarios like this, it can be advised to almost not water your succulents throughout the winter months,” Hill says. Plant needs vary greatly and if your garden can't provide for those needs, it will quickly become a high-maintenance plant. “Sometimes water evaporates much faster or much slower depending on the room temperature. If you have had little success with indoor gardening , do give the snake plant a try. Image via Wikimedia Commons. For each, we’ve included planting, watering, fertilizing, and pruning tips for every gardening zone. Even better is to replace out-of-the-way areas of lawn, of any size, with beautiful wildflower meadows that only need strimm… DIY Christmas Decor Ideas. The fact that it has thick and waxy leaves means it can withstand scarcity of water for prolonged periods of time. On a windowsill in a dry room is the ideal location for a succulent collection. | With its beautiful silver foliage, the low-growing Silver Bush attracts butterflies with its pure white flowers. “Orchids don’t have a reputation for being easy-to-grow,” notes Hancock, “but happily, cultivating a moth orchid can be a breeze.” Elegant, long-lasting blooms stud the tops of bright green stems on this low-maintenance houseplant. They come in a wide array of colors and styles, so you can mix and match to create a unique grouping. Hardy to zones 3 through 8. One of her favorite drought-tolerant picks is a philodendron, like the split-leaf or the monstera, which is an on-trend choice. Evaluating plants by these criteria will help lower the amount of work required to keep your garden looking great. Cast aside any self-doubt, as Hancock reassures, “this air-purifying houseplant powers through the winter season and looks fresh and green all year.”. Apr 26, 2020 - Explore Balcony Garden Web's board "Low Maintenance Garden", followed by 303948 people on Pinterest. “One thing to keep in mind is that temperatures tend to be cooler near windows in northern climates, especially in older buildings. this website. They are great for pots and will add a pop of color to your garden. “A tried-and-true houseplant that you practically have to kill, the snake plant holds up well to the conditions that can make winters inside a challenge,” says Hancock. Long and narrow, dark green leaves form a fountain-like cascade that flows down to the plant's base. The hosta is a terrific low maintenance plant that requires no care all year long. If you have a room that’s chilly and doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, the clivia may be its ideal match. The Liriope plant ticks off numerous low maintenance boxes and is a very widely used plant for good reason. Low-maintenance Arkansas blue star resists deer and drought, making it a durable and beautiful option for any garden. You can’t go wrong with planting the Spirea. Aloe vera is best known for its plump leaves that can provide a soothing gel for cuts and burns. Jul 15, 2014 - This board is a mix of plants that are considered low-maintenance and I will try to note why on each one. If you’re looking for a durable plant that will also bring a pop of color to your space, turn to the festive Christmas cactus. Plant early in spring once the ground becomes workable. So lets look at a few low maintenance garden plants, shrubs, trees and tips that will add interest and colour to a low maintenance hard landscaped garden and at the same time keep our gardening input to a minimum. In search of houseplants that are best suited to winter conditions, we reached out to several plant pros for their top picks for durable indoor houseplants likely to survive all year long. However, you’ll need to keep this plant pruned to help it keep its shape and also to help keep the plant healthy … Bundle up and head outside (or stay toasty inside)—either way, everyone in the family will love these snow day ideas. Also keep in mind that water evaporates more slowly in a chilly room than a hot one, so pay attention to whether the room is drafty and damp or dry and hot. Or, you can wait until … Marie Iannotti is an author, photographer, and speaker with 27 years of experience as a Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator and Master Gardener, 15 Best Zone 8 Plants to Put In Your Garden, 10 Best Annual Flowering Vines for Your Garden, 14 Best Fall-Blooming Flowers for Your Perennial Garden, 14 Best Landscape Plants With Purple Flowers, 9 Best Shade-Loving Perennials for Michigan Gardens. One thing to remember about caring for houseplants in the winter is that many, including the popular fiddle leaf fig, experience natural growing seasons and periods of dormancy. Low-Maintenance Plants; Hardscaping; Mulch Heavily, Turn Soil Rarely and Plant Densely to Minimize Weeding; Labor-Intensive Plants; Replace Some of Your Turf With Ground Covers. “Ideal plants for covered terrariums are mosses, ferns, and fern allies,” recommends Hill. “It will retain humidity within the glass as well as protect the plants from both hot and cold drafts,” says Hill. “However, some plants can tolerate it.” One of the most likely plants to survive these temperature variations is the jade plant. However, while they can tolerate low levels of light, they demand high humidity and like to be watered and misted frequently, so this option isn’t for the hands-off plant owner. Find out exactly how many strands you need. Let’s start with the lawn. Lawns with paved edges are easier to mow. If you’re in search of a plant that will add a little flair but will also survive a winter with the heat cranked up, look no further. But fewer hours of daylight, fluctuating temperatures, and dry air creates a challenging growing environment for most plants. Even fake flowers need to be dusted. Growing indoor plants is easy, low-maintenance and just as fun as having an outdoor garden. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. The hoya’s cascading leaves look stunning when suspended in a hanging woven basket, and if you forget to water it for a few weeks, this forgiving plant will bounce back quickly without getting brown leaves. However, if you are someone who would prefer to cut back on some of the gardening chores, there are perennial plants that can definitely be considered lower maintenance. Made with products you probably have on hand. Keeping greenery in your home throughout the bleak months of winter is sure to brighten the spirit. 'Plants You Can't Kill' You can't get any more low-maintenance than the annual, cosmos. “Best of all,” adds Hancock, “it usually reblooms once nighttime temperatures begin to drop.”. This plant holds up well during the winter months when you may be traveling or simply distracted by the hustle and bustle of the holidays and forget a watering or two. Has your Thanksgiving pumpkin pie gone bad? These plants only need to be watered once every two weeks or so. The Pothos is the definition of low maintenance indoor plants; it is extremely easy to care for and is a very adaptable plant. HGTV Sites . Thanks to its preference toward a drier climate, you can enjoy its blooms without having to shower it with attention. Lavender. Peonies and bleeding heart will be happy to grow for decades, while rose campion and many coreopsis varieties will start to disappear a little more each year. Bellflower. Low maintenance plants save you time, money, and hassle and still provide a beautiful landscape. With its long-blooming, deep purple flowers, the meadow sage require little to no care at all, and adds whimsy to any garden. All types of snake plant tolerate low light and prefer being potbound. The snake plant is a low-maintenance succulent plant that thrives on neglect pretty well. Even the least experienced gardener can successfully grow the Chinese evergreen thanks to its hardiness. Peach Lemonade Rose (Rosa radpastel) (bataiev/123rf.com) We all love rose bushes. If you've ever gardened at all, you know there is no such thing as a maintenance free garden. What are the Best Low Maintenance Plants? Plants are in a constant state of living and changing; there are seasons of growth and inactivity that include cycles of flowering, leaf dropping and seed production. “They range in color, thrive on neglect, and can be kept indoors year-round or moved outside for the summer in full shade,” says Barbara Pierson, nursery manager at White Flower Farm. And because many deserts are known to get chilly at night, some varieties of desert plants can handle the cold and go into winter dormancy. Allow the plant's soil to dry completely in between waterings; depending on the humidity of your … This plant is typically propagated for sale before Thanksgiving, but its pretty red and pink blooms hint at spring. A landscaper’s favourite plant. Once certain plants have reached their “cruising altitude”, they’re more likely to retain health with less attention. They are cheap, they are tough, they come in a range of sizes and colours and can be easily divided to create more plants. “A lot of plants don't really like the combination of cold air with hot radiator air in the winter months,” admits Maria de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez. Holiday Snacks … They are better for the environment often requiring less water, less chemicals, and less fertilizer. “You have to check the soil to see that it needs water—it won’t wilt!” says Pierson. June 29, 2019. Drought-tolerant plants, such as coneflower, daylily, ornamental grasses and butterfly weed, make gardening easier because they require less care. 1. There are so many easy to grow plants to choose from. 2. When warmer weather hits, you can resume regular (yet still infrequent) watering. How to Design a Great Yard with Landscape Plants. However, you can create a truly low maintenance and easy-care garden without becoming slave to it. To protect your plants from a chilly breeze beside a window or near the front door, consider a miniature version of a greenhouse: the glass terrarium. Meadow Sage. So the first step to finding lower maintenance plants is to take inventory of the growing conditions in your yard. Two natural pantry items will have it looking brand new! Easy Roses 6 Photos. We love their scent and how they class up a yard, but many gardens and yards are too small to support a rose bush. ). But, not for me! Small, awkward-shaped areas of lawn take longer to mow. When you're working with a dark room, give low-light options like pothos, prayer plants, and dracaena a go. Sedum. Use a mulching mower and leave the clippings on the grass – that way there’s no need to dispose of them, and they’ll feed the lawn too. 10. Do watch out for slugs, though, as hostas tend to attract them. We don't care if you're an experience gardener or a beginner one, these low maintenance plants are beautiful, easy to grow, and don't require much care at all! If you have room for a larger houseplant, this might be a nice option for you. 8. Not only are the leaves detailed and colorful, but the flowers that they spike attract hummingbirds and look lovely in the shade. You can try creating your own terrarium, and Sprout Home offers terrarium-building classes and online orders in Chicago and New York City. Pick up the plant and get familiar with its typical weight. If you’re in Wyoming, for example, you’re going to have a hard time getting fruit trees “started”. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. Liriope. The only thing is that the required amount or range may fluctuate from one plant to another. For the lazy gardener in all of us, here are some plants for a low maintenance garden: 1. That's a perfect fit for a low-maintenance garden. These periods should also correspond to how often you water them, says de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez. Sprout Home, Credit: De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images, 16 Low-Maintenance Indoor Houseplants Most Likely to Survive All Year Long. I like plants as well as a low maintenance.. Not only does the terrarium shield the plants inside, but it also adds a stylish conversation piece to a living room. When searching for undemanding plants, ask yourself the following questions. I have mine in a Kokedama moss ball ! Real Simple may receive compensation when you click through and purchase from links contained on Real Simple is part of the Meredith Home Group. Whether you're a budding gardener or veteran floriculturist, there's no shame in wanting to take the easy way out with your backyard foliage.That's where these low-maintenance shrubs and bushes come in. Sweepstakes; Newsletter; TV Schedule; Shows A-Z; Be On DIY; Features A-Z; How-Tos A to Z; Ways to Watch DIY Network; DIY Network Family. Real Simple may receive compensation for some links to products and services in this email on this website. All plants need some pruning and grooming to remain looking their best, but some need constant attention. #2. Don’t be fooled by the beauty of the Chinese evergreen—beyond its handsome exterior is one tough plant. This plant looks like a miniature tree, so it will introduce a refreshing burst of greenery to your home, even when the trees outside are leafless. “Its thick, rubbery leaves stand up well to dry winter air and don’t get brown crispy edges like less-sturdy houseplants can,” says Hancock. Many people enjoy the work that goes into creating and maintaining a garden. With blooms that appear in spring and early summer, the columbine isn’t only easy to grow, it also attracts hummingbirds! While this desert plant can handle a dry environment, it also loves to sunbathe, so set it near a window that gets plenty of light. For example, the fiddle leaf fig tree should be watered once every two weeks during the growing season, but only needs water about once a month during the winter. If your house runs dry in the winter, but you’re too busy to water your plants regularly (let alone turn on a humidifier for them), then aloe is a great choice. It can grow in different environmental conditions and different medium, (it can be grown in pots of soil or in bowls filled with water! You … Cosmos are the lowest maintenance plant of low maintenance plants. No plant will live forever, but for a lower maintenance garden, you will want to look for plants that live at least 5 years and preferably longer. via ourhouseplants.com. After the season is done, all you need to do is remove the dead branches after a hard frost and you're ready for next year. Here is some information regarding low-maintenance plants for homes, offices, aquariums, gardens, and ground covers. So if your plant feels heavy but hasn't been watered in two weeks, the soil is probably still very wet and watering it again will only cause it harm,” she explains. Depending on your region, different plants will flourish or struggle. Photos by R A Kearton/Getty Images. Food Network. Many trees and shrubs only need an annual tidy-up. The Dumb Cane plant produces enormous leaves which make quite a big statement in any home. 10 Foolproof Perennial Plants for the Northeast U.S. 30 Easy-to-Grow Perennials for Beginning Gardeners. This low-maintenance houseplant is commonly called pothos or devil's ivy, and it can be a godsend for those who struggle to keep houseplants alive. Catmint is something you and your cat will love! “Hoya have thick waxy leaves and rope-like stems that allow them to take hot temperatures by storing water in their succulent plant parts,” says Pierson. To get you started, here are our top 10 favourite low maintenance plants for easy landscaping at your cottage: 1. Planting: Full sun to partial shade. The maidenhair fern is a pretty option with delicate, lacy leaves, and will be happy in a spot offering indirect light for at least part of the day. The idea of a low maintenance garden or landscape is filled with many definitions and opinions. Adding architectural interest to any room, the snake plant is one of the most accommodating houseplants available. Care: Deadhead plants to keep them blooming nicely. While many houseplants prefer to dry out in between waterings, ferns like constantly damp soil. Here are some features to check before selecting a prima dona for your garden. Since it can thrive in low-light conditions, the zz plant “continues to look good under short winter days,” says Hancock. Care is very similar to the daylily. “A piece of wood, which is a poor conductor of heat, over a radiator is the perfect place to have a small cacti desert set up, and super cute,” she says. Lavender likes a lot of sun and not too much water. Columbine. “These durable plants actually prefer a period of cooler weather which will allow their fantastic blooms to emerge, typically in orange or sometimes a golden yellow,” explains Stephen Hill, the creative director at Sprout Home, a garden design center with locations in Chicago and Brooklyn. By reserving water in this way, the wax plant is always prepared for an unexpected drought. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. It also doesn’t require much water, and can thrive with a watering once every three weeks. See more ideas about low maintenance garden, plants, garden. Dumb Cane. Games you can create a truly low maintenance garden or landscape is filled many. Fertilizing, and can thrive in low-light conditions, the low-growing silver Bush attracts butterflies with its pure white.. Thanks to its hardiness with blooms that appear in spring and early summer, the columbine isn ’ t easy... 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